Partisan Games

Civics 101

Civic Ignorance: Consequences of a Disengaged Nation

In a democratic nation like America, an informed and engaged citizenry is the bedrock of a thriving society. Civic ignorance, the lack of knowledge...

Zero Sum Politics: A Recipe for Democratic Disaster

Zero sum politics, characterized by a win-lose mentality where one side's gain is perceived as the other side's loss. This mentality poses a significant...

Thomas Jefferson & John Adams: Friends and Political Opponents

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, two of America's founding fathers, had a relationship that was both politically and personally complex. Despite having fundamental differences...

The Social Contract

The social contract is a concept that has evolved over time, and it has been interpreted and applied in various ways by different philosophers...

Institutions and Norms: The Pillars of a Functional Democracy

Democratic institutions and democratic norms are the backbone of a functional democracy. These fundamental principles ensure that the power of government is held accountable...
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